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Hyperreading Exercise

Poster Design
Artinsun, Seoul, Korea Date: April 2017
April 2017
Sun Jaegal

Poster graphics for Sun Jaegal solo show gallery Artinsun Seoul

They are either a perfect sole world or worlds in total disconnection. People walk into the worlds provided with a familiar_unfamiliar reading environment. Found text and image are scattered in the space gaining physicality with manipulation and distortion. Several leads are placed to imply the close connection of the five spaces. The clues however are there but its okay to be ignored. The rooms reveal the condition of entities(text in this case) that are being reversed_subverted_and_reflected between reality and virtual_digital. The flat virtual text are forced into the real world as objects with weight and tactile bodies. However they all are fake bodies extracted from the digital world of glaring blue which cannot be fully adapted in the physical world. This space  depict and reflect the contemporary life of moving back and forth and surfing through the mixed world of virtual_digital and real.

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