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Poster Design
Placemak3, Seoul, Korea
July 2017
Sun Jaegal

Poster graphics for group show Placemak3 Seoul.

The modern life that are too closely connected to the digital world it confuses us wether our mind wether we are actually being in the real or virtual world. People living in overturned time zones are bridged and communicating in real time through floating signals channeling virtual stories of real people. We hope cmd+z to function in real life and it sometimes gives physical twitches. Our urge to press time machine to restore good ole’ days bring sad realisation of being in the physical land of reality. When you get shock from imaginary vibration of cell phone, when you reach for untouchable ghost over the screen, you come down to the conclusion of seeping virtuality into the physical world.  

We decided to materialise virtual stories from the digital world. A 3D modeled hand is controlling physical mouses, the sea of mother nature glitched into digital images and collected reviews from Tripadvisor turned into a diary of an imaginary character. Stories from the digital world are facing and making connection with the real world and convert the gallery space into purgatory between virtual and real world.

This space is where un-connectabe things are having a relationship, where virtual immateriality becomes physical and the real world longs for the virtual world. It might be all about ghostly illusion as the whole installation is a building of daydreams and mirage. Just like human beings are based on absurd questions and lack of essence* headed toward nothingness, we are living in fantasma and fantasia. 

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